Saturday, January 15, 2011

Scenes From the Mer Show Household

It used to be party pics and travel shots.  Now it's a rambunctious toddler and baby girl sleeping, growing, and pooping (repeat)...  This is why I haven't had time to return so many phone calls to about 100 people I'm dying to talk to (I apologize, but I'm catching up slowly)!

If you're wondering why there are so many photos of my son running around naked, he LOVES running around the house for a few minutes before getting in the bathtub!  I always announce that it's time for "NAKED BOOOOOYYY"... and he runs around like a maniac.  One night I grabbed my camera and documented 'naked boy time' - hilarious!  He's also obsessed with shoes right now... can you tell?

Love, Mer

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