Wednesday, February 23, 2011


OMG!  You guys MUST check out this shopping site -

It's basically a "shoe club", if you will - for $40/month, you sign up and fill out a profile that indicates your style and fashion sense. Each month, you'll receive a showroom of shoes, based upon your profile (mine is romantic/ poetic/ eclectic), and you can choose one for yourself.  (I checked it out, though, and you can skip months so that you don't have to pay $40 that month - it's not one of those automatic things that turn into a nightmare.) They also have handbags, jewelry, and some home goods, all chosen by famous Hollywood stylists.  How fun is that?!

Maybe you have more style than I do (you probably do!), but I'm constantly seeing women in cute things and think... "Where on earth did they find that?  I want it and have NO idea where to look!"  Well, I think this might help me with that problem.

Sheridan, close your eyes and pretend you didn't read this.  This blog entry does not exist - please disregard.  :)

GIRLS - go forth and shop!!!!

Love, Mer

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