OK, so a couple hours after the birth of our sweet little baby boy, I decided to send home my very sleepy hubby for a nap, to let out the doggie out of the crate for a bathroom break, and to pick up anything embarrassing since my parents would be coming to stay for a few days. I had called my parents around midnight - about 4.5 hours before Patrick was born - to alert them that the baby was on his way, but not to bother jumping in the car immediately since he would most definitely arrive before they could get there (I was right).
With that, I was alone in the delivery room for a couple of hours (with so many babies - 8 others - having been born the night of Patrick's arrival, there were no post partem rooms available) and was told that I should relax and rest. YEAH RIGHT! I had a million thoughts running through my head and just couldn't wait to send out a text message to my closest buddies and
When they wheeled in Patrick from checking him out in the nursery, we also had some personal time to share, so I introduced myself and had a little chat with him all about his new family, my big dreams for him, and explained to him that we'll probably see our share of ups and downs, but promised to him that I'll always be there for him and will love him no matter what. He smiled for me the first time (or perhaps that was gas, but who cares?!) and he had me wrapped around his finger...
Once I finally got moved to the post partem room, my nurse Patti (pictured) got me all settled and comfortable and
As we were preparing to head home from the hospital on Thursday night, Patrick was taken for some tests and it was shown that he was starting to develop jaundice. ACH! So we ended up having to keep him in the hospital for a couple of extra days while he spent time in the bililights, which breaks down the bilirubin enzyme that causes jaundice. It was so heartbreaking watching our little dude in his baby tanning bed with his little sunglasses on, but we knew he needed it, so I tried to manage my hormones and stay strong... And although I was technically discharged, we were able to stay in "Patrick's room" until he was released. All the "free" pudding cups and Sprite we could consume - woo hooo!
Alas, we finally got to leave the hospital on Sunday and get home with our son. If we had left on Friday, as planned, I may not have been ready... so perhaps our couple of extra days was helpful in getting me prepared for the idea of taking care of our little one.
And actually, once we got home, the REAL fun began!!! Stay tuned for more tales from mommy hood...
Love, Mer xo
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