Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Love, Mer, Sher, Baci and Patrick
Monday, December 22, 2008
Bump Watch - 32 weeks
Meanwhile, I'm predicting an 8 lb baby since he weighed 4 pounds at the last ultrasound last Thursday, and I had 8 weeks left from that date (babies gain half a pound a week at this stage). Sheridan was a 9 pounder and I was a 6 pounder, so clearly he's already taking after his daddy. Hopefully he's just as handsome, sweet, loyal, and loving, too! :D
I can't wait to meet the little guy that's making me so big, round, tired, and hungry!!
Mer xo
Our New Home
Friday, December 19, 2008
Annual Letter to Santa
This year, my priority list looks a whole lot different than it ever has! I don't know if I'm just in "mommy mode" already, or what, but for the first time I'm not craving purses, designer jeans, and sparkly objects; can you believe it? (Well, I already received the most gorgeous bauble possible this year and it's perched on my left ring finger...) And I'm glad you brought me a Honda Accord 2 years ago, versus a convertible Beetle, since baby's new carseat would probably be big to fit in a bug... So this is my new, updated, "adultified" Christmas list.
1. The return of my memory and brain cells, please.
2. A healthy baby that loves to sleep and can't wait to use the toilet.
3. King size bed so my hubby and I don't have to wake each other up in the middle of the night and ask each other to scoot over.
4. Chocolate microsuede love seat.
5. Lacy nursing lingerie that doesn't make me look like an old lady.
6. Some new patience, in preparation for the next few months of my life.
7. A barrel full of mouthwatering Zinfandel so that I can start enjoying it with dinner again after my bundle of joy arrives. :)
That's it! I promise to be a very good girl next year and did my best to be good this year. Don't forget I moved to San Jose this year... I'll be in Austin next year!
I love you, Santa! Mer xo
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The last week or so, I've been super busy with looking at houses in Austin, and trying to narrow down the inventory. In the process, people have rented the units that I had my eye on about 4 times... It seems as though the rental market in Austin is ROCKIN'! I guess that's a good sign that we're moving to a great area, no?! :)
My folks drove from Houston to Austin yesterday to check out some of the places we identified online and checked out 6 properties for us. They gave us awesome feedback on 3 of them, and we chose one. After a lot of thought, the house we chose will fit our furniture perfectly and will be a perfect place to start our life in Austin. And after we made our decision, I was really excited... this is a beautiful house in a perfect area! I'll post more details when the ink is dry on the contract. :)
Otherwise, we had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is doing really well. He's getting big and chubby, and his measurements look just right. In fact, I'm predicting an 8 lb baby, folks! I guess all my rest and extra calories have been paying off. We're getting really excited and I know that before we know it, our little boy will be here with us. Wow... I still can't believe I'm going to be a mother soon. Wow!!
Anyway, there are more updates to follow. Stay tuned! Love, Mer
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Day Without A Gay
If I HAD a job, I'd call in gay today and support this super cool cause. ;)
Monday, December 08, 2008
Another Birthday!
I was in San Francisco last year on December 9th, visiting with my brand new boyfriend, Sheridan, and ringing in a year of big surprises that I had no idea were coming... 32 found me praying for fertility and having those prayers answered, getting to know a wonderful man better and knowing that he is THE man for me, moving out of San Diego to San Jose with the purpose of "gettin' my man" (mission accomplished!), MARRYING this wonderful man, getting PREGNANT, getting hired and laid off three times, and finding out I'm moving back to Texas (something I thought I'd NEVER do). Whew, what an action packed year!!
I'd love to make a list of predictions of what might happen this coming year, but I can honestly say I haven't any clue. Obviously, it is going to be the year of the biggest change I will ever make in my life - becoming a parent! And it will include a move back to Austin, a place I'm likely to stay for a very long time and set down roots (what an intriguing concept!)... But I think at this point, I've come to expect the unexpected. It'll be interesting to revisit this date next year and see what has transpired over my 33rd year on earth... God only knows what I'll have to say!
Thanks to all my peeps, as always, for being my cheerleaders as I pass another milestone. I couldn't do it without you!
Love, Mer
Monday, December 01, 2008
Today in The Damn News
"The Dow closes down about 680 points as manufacturing hits a 260year low and the U.S. is declared in a recession."
Isn't it just a kick in the face to see this headline on the day that I also got laid off AGAIN (for the 4th time in 2 years)? I need a new profession. Any thoughts on what I should pursue? Here are some ideas I have:
1. Open a doggie day care (although who's spending money on that right now?)
2. Pampered Chef or Arbonne consultant (again, is anyone spending money on that right now?)
3. Spinning instructor (after I'm healed from the baby)
4. Therapist (After all, I can empathize with pretty much everything at this point and there's probably a heightened need for mental help these days)
5. Resume writer (I bet the demand is quite good for that these days!)
6. Professional blogger (Think there's any way to monetize The Mer Show?)
I'm taking any and all suggestions! But for the love of God, please just don't suggest recruiting right now... I'll cut your head off and throw it out the window.
Love, Mer