Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day Update

Hey guys! I hope all of you had a phenomenal holiday with your friends and families. Mine was my favorite Thanksgiving ever - even better than the infamous year that I served pork tenderloin! ;) As you know, I drove to Phoenix to join Sheridan and his family for a traditional weekend of family, food, and the like. Friday, we all drove up to Sedona and checked that out - it was gorgeous! And I have now indoctrinated another family to the delicious sweet potato souffle (they loved it, of course!) and met the majority of the new man's family - it was a great weekend.

Sheridan's peeps are amazing people and made me feel so incredibly welcome. I know now why he is such an amazing person - he comes by it honestly. I really liked them a lot and he says they think I'm "a keeper", so things went G R E A T! :) If it weren't for getting stopped by the CHP (I sweet talked my way out of ticket - yeah, baby!) and dropping several hundred bucks on 4 new tires (somewhere along the way to Phoenix, I drove over 4 nails!), it would have been a PERFECT weekend!!! It was so amazing to see Sheridan - he makes me so happy!

Oh, and Baci went with me this weekend, too. THAT was interesting!!! I was pretty pleased with the pup's performance - there were no major mishaps like furniture destroyed or poop on the carpet... Just a lot of puppy misbehavior like picking on the other doggie in the house, Daisy, and jumping on furniture that was off limits... Oh yes, and he did pee on Sheridan's mom's foot, but I really do think that was a sign of affection!!! hahaha Baci certainly livened up the party and was great company during the road trip, so I'm glad he came. :)

Anyway, it's back to the grind tomorrow... I hope you all have a great week!!!

Love, Mer

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