Monday, August 27, 2007

Sports Update

Hi guys! Several things in the sports world today.

1. The Astros Manager, Mr. G, got fired today! Booooooooooooooo! I guess in the sports world, you're only as good as your last few months, right? Fickle biz!

2. I'm going to a Padres game tonight - let's see if they win, and if I can break the curse!! Perhaps writing about the curse on The Mer Show helped break the cycle of losses when I'm on Petco Park property... Stay tuned!

3. It's football season again!! WAHOOOOOOOOO!!! I love me some LT and ready for some Chargers football. I can't wait to attend a game or two this season. And the first UT game of the season is this weekend, also. I'm hoping to go to Players, here in San Diego, to watch the game with the Texas Exes and channel my inner Longhorn pride! It's only Arkansas State, so it doesn't really matter, but who cares?? It's football season!

OK, that's it. Love, Mer

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